Blade Runners, Inc.
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Blade Runners, Inc.
3150 Spring Street
Fairfax, VA  22031
United States
Phone: 703-865-4100
Fax: 703-273-8720
E-Mail: Forward to a Friend
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Grounds Maintenance Contractors

Blade Runners provides complete landscaping and grounds maintenance for Condominiums, Home Owners Association's, Retail Centers, Apartment Complexes, and Office Complexes in the Fairfax County, Loudoun County areas, and Prince William County.

  • Large enough to get any job done, small enough to give personal service.
  • Calls and emails responded to with lightning speed
  • Free 5 year Landscaping Plan.
  • Comprehensive and progressive training for our employees.
  • Competitive pricing and ideas to help keep you on budget
  • No nonsense timely service with QUALITY.
  • Snow service that keeps tenants and homeowners happy.

Blade Runners Service Menu

Below is a comprehensive list of Blade Runners commercial grounds maintenance services. We invite you to review the options we offer… visit to see all the ways we work for you.

Grounds Maintenance Service

  • General Grounds maintenance
  • Landscape Design and installation
  • Tree Service
  • Irrigation
  • Snow Removal
  • Distributers of Magic Salt the miracle ice control that saves you money
Extended Description:

Develop a Relationship with an Owner Who Knows his Clients

Eric Storck, President and founder of Blade Runners makes sure calls come in directly to his desk! He is interested in your call or email and he’s anxious to deliver quality service in a courteous fashion.  Contact Eric today:

             Direct line:  703-865-4100                   Email:

Why Blade Runners?  

Blade Runners has a number of innovative tools that separate us from the competition.

Trees: We have a staff arborist and an active tree department. We can remove trees, stumps and perform corrective pruning. We can provide a tree survey that includes a map along with the trees size and variety and its maintenance recommendation. Completion receipts: Many customers are concerned about what a landscape contractor is doing on the site. After each lawn care service we send out an email completion receipt to our customers. It explains the specific grounds maintenance contract service we are providing and can be compared with the monthly billing. Clients have often commented that it is an effective tool and provides a level of assurance that we are actually completing the lawn maintenance work in the agreement.

Snow Report: Blade Runners has an exciting and unique service with our snow removal. We will send out a snow report; before, during and after a snow event. The report tells you what we are doing. Will it be plowing or sand and calcium chloride applications, are walkways being completed? Every snow event is different, property managers love being able to accurately communicate with there tenants and residents exactly what the landscape contractor is doing.

Newsletters: Thru the distribution of ezines, newsletters, blog entries, Blade Runners provides a wealth of information to our clients that helps you do your job. Do you have a chemically sensitive tenant? Blade Runners has a great resource for the lawn care products we use. Is someone questioning our snow plow methods? We have a wonderful newsletter that talks about snow removal procedures and equipment. What are the different landscape pruning techniques? What are the different surfaces for tot lots? Is salt damaging your concrete? See our videos that show you what to watch out for and how other contractors commonly cut corners.

How Blade Runners works closely with Community Associations?  

Our community association clients tell us time and time again, you guys do it all. We’d like to think we do. With Blade Runners, associations and homeowners know what their getting. Our comprehensive staff training covers every service offered and results in consistent, quality lawn maintenance work completed in exact steps. We don’t submit a vague grounds maintenance contract with poorly defined service descriptions but instead give a concise, highly detailed outline of exactly what is to be done and how. Our focus on quality along with our proactive approach -- we’ll call you when we recognize something that needs extra attention before you call us -- makes us the premier commercial landscape provider among homeowners associations. Unsure about how to identify priority projects and allocate your long term budget? There’s no need to spend thousands of dollars on landscape architect consultants. Blade Runners provides all HOA clients with free long range planning services so you know what projects may need to be tackled in the next 3 to 5 years and can plan ahead and manage your budget accordingly.


At Blade Runners there are three components to a successful landscape relationship


  1. The Standard Contract
  2. Short Range planning
  3. Long range Planning


The standard contract:

Having a comprehensive contract, with an effective menu of landscaping services; specifications that are distinctively detailed, indicating exactly how we are going to provide the services and where on your property is a critical distinction towards successful grounds maintenance.


Short range planning:

The second component is the short range planning. Blade Runners is proactive in their approach to lawn maintenance. We perform monthly site inspections that evaluate the quality of our services and report any concerns that may be affecting your property in a timely fashion. We keep you informed of items outside the scope of your grounds maintenance contract that you might consider to protect and enhance property values. We can help you with lawn maintenance services that may need to be done on alternate years.


Long range planning:

Blade Runners can help you with Landscape, Hardscape, Tot lots, tree concerns, and drainage problems. Many times these projects in total can be overwhelming to an organization. Blade Runners can provide a written long range plan stretching out projects over a three to five year period so as not to dramatically impact your budget... The result is a well managed and planned property with enhanced value.

Communications are Essential

At Blade Runners, communication with our commercial landscaping clients is a top priority. It’s what we’re known for and a reputation we try hard to keep. We participate in grounds walkthroughs, attend homeowners association board meetings, and send proactive reports, calls and emails. Sometimes, it’s the small things that make a difference in a lawn care company. Our community association clients are thrilled, for example, when they receive a quick confirmation email indicating completion of a grounds maintenance service. They not only have assurance that it’s done, but can easily reconcile invoices.

No Nonsence, Quality Service with Courtesy

We’ve got it covered:  Community Associations have a lot on their plates. Who has the time to assess grounds on a regular basis? As your commercial landscape provider, Blade Runners will make sure you don’t have to. Attention to detail, anticipation of needs, responsiveness, and superior service are what make Blade Runners a comprehensive landscape management company.

Competitive Prices: The cost for good landscaping needs to work within your overall maintenance budget. Our grounds maintenance program is a well planned menu of services. Our simple approach delivers the desired result on the property and saves you money at the same time. Contact Blade Runners so we can show you how our grounds maintenance services are better than the rest.

Thoughtful Planning: Our account managers work with owners and property managers to plan and develop multi-year budgets for upcoming enhancements tailored to meet the specific needs of your property and along the way, are always looking for cost savings opportunities. Blade Runners commercial grounds maintenance will keep an eagle eye on your property and report items of concern. Our account managers stay in close contact with you to ensure a headache free, successful lawn maintenance experience.


Products/Services: Design/Plant Services
Landscaping/Lawn Care
Snow Removal
Tree Care Services
Tree Services/Landscaping
Add to Outlook Contacts President (703) 865-4100
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